Hi everybody -
My name is Isabelle but everybody calls me Izzy. This is my new blog and will be the home of my IzzyG video series. My mom says I have energy and ego, and a world-changing personality, so we'd better use it for good.
We saw a picture on Facebook a few days ago that had a message. The message was that not everybody has clean water to drink. It is hard to imagine NOT having a kitchen sink (and a bathroom sink, and a 2nd bathroom sink and a bathtub and a shower and an outside water hose) where you just turn on the tap and clean, drinkable water comes out.
Mom keeps saying that someday I'm gonna change the world, and she decided since I keep asking her to post videos of me on YouTube, that maybe we should just get started now, and she would help me figure where to start.
Thanks for reading my first post on IzzyGVids.